Thursday, February 26, 2009

Growing hate groups blame Obama, economy

Full text

Don Black said he despises Barack Obama. And he said he believes illegal aliens undermine the economic fabric of the United States.

Black, a 55-year-old former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, isn't the only person who holds such firm beliefs, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which today released its annual hate group report.

The center's report, "The Year in Hate," found the number of hate groups grew by 54 percent since 2000. The study identified 926 hate groups -- defined as groups with beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people -- active in 2008. That's a 4 percent jump, adding 38 more than the year before.

What makes this year's report different is that hate groups have found two more things to be angry about -- the nation's first African-American president and an economy that is hemorrhaging jobs. For the past decade, Latino immigration has fueled the growth of hate groups. Watch what the family of a hate crime victim has to say »

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Westboro Baptist Church in action

Full story


The controversial, anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket Canton High School on March 20 as part of a daylong visit to the Boston area.

Members of the Rev. Fred Phelps’ tiny, ultra-fundamentalist group sent out a fax Monday saying that it will hold an “education picket” at the school.

Like many other schools in the state, Canton High has a Gay-Straight Alliance student group.
A Canton police sergeant said last night the department didn’t know about it.

Two charged with KKK hate crime

Full story

Two Medford men face up to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty Tuesday to a federal charge of conspiring to interfere with civil rights after they burned the image of a cross and the letters

"KKK" in the yard of a mixed race couple last spring.

Gary Moss, 38, and Devan Klausegger, 29, lodged their pleas in a Portland federal court. They are scheduled for sentencing on May 5.

According to their plea agreement, Moss admitted he poured the flammable liquid on the front lawn of the residence of Sol and Jonathan Whyte in the shape of a cross and the letters "KKK."

Klausegger then handed Moss a small explosive device that Moss used to ignite the liquid. They admitted these actions were done with the intent to interfere with the victims' rights because Jonathan Whyte is black.

Moss and Klausegger face a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison, up to three years of supervised release and a fine of up to $250,000.

Sol Whyte said a federal lawyer has told her the pair will agree to spend four and a half years behind bars as part of the plea deal.

"I wish it was more, but I am comfortable with that amount," she said.

The Whytes have worked to put the tumultuous events of the past year behind them, but their two daughters still long for their previous home.

"We had a huge backyard that they really liked," Whyte said.

The cost of the unexpected move forced Whyte to return to full-time work. Before the hate crime was committed in her front yard, she stayed home to care for her daughters.

Police arrest German suspect over neo-Nazi beating

Full story

Erfurt, Germany - German police have arrested the principal suspect after a neo-Nazi attack on leftists in a highway rest area, police in the city of Erfurt said Tuesday, but they are still hunting for a Swedish man thought to have taken part in the beating. Germans were shocked by the

February 14 roadside attack, just hours after 10,000 leftists and pacifists had mounted a counter-demonstration in Dresden against a procession by 6,000 far rightists.
Participants on both sides gathered from all over Germany and beyond in Germany.

A 42-year-old man suffered serious head injuries when a busload of neo-Nazis stopped next to two coaches of leftists in a motorway services area and attacked them. Four others were hurt.
Erfurt police said the 32-year-old who had been detained came from the west of Germany and had a record of rightist violence. The man from Sweden and a third man were still being sought.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Town battles Neo-Nazi

Full story

Crowds are protesting against Neo-Nazis who take over the town on a regular basis, and the memorial to the dead of the first and the second world wars has become a focal point.

It all started ten years ago when a far-right organisation that supported Nazi ideology gathered at the memorial for Remembrance Day.

To prevent a repeat, the mayor of the town designated the memorial as private property. However, this only lit the fuse of the conflict and the annual gatherings have now become monthly protests.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

KKK loser dies

Virgil Griffin was defiant to the end.

In interviews over the years, there were few apologies for cross burnings, his views on race – or his part in a 1979 “Death to the Klan” rally in Greensboro where five people were fatally shot.

Four years ago, he told a group studying the shootings that he never would have gone to that rally had he not been goaded.
“They told us to ‘come out from under our rocks.' I don't hide under no rock for nobody,” said Griffin, imperial wizard of the Mount Holly-based Cleveland Knights of the KKK.
Wednesday, Virgil Lee Griffin Sr. of Mount Holly died at Gaston County Memorial, surrounded by family. He was 64.
The Klan brought him notoriety. The organization he been a part of since his 20s had seen its numbers dwindle, but Griffin and other Klan officials were in the midst of rebuilding, exploiting fears over illegal immigration to draw members, according to agencies that track hate groups.
“People are tired of this mess,” Griffin told the Observer in 2007. “The illegal immigrants are taking this country over.”
The message was the same in the 1960s and '70s; the target different. In 1965, Griffin and another man were convicted of posing as detectives investigating a racial incident at a school. In 1980, Griffin was charged in a cross burning in Lincoln County.
But it was the November 1979 Greensboro rally held by members of the Communist Workers Party where Griffin won his biggest headlines.
The shootings came months after growing tension.

KKK loser dies

Virgil Griffin was defiant to the end.

In interviews over the years, there were few apologies for cross burnings, his views on race – or his part in a 1979 “Death to the Klan” rally in Greensboro where five people were fatally shot.

Four years ago, he told a group studying the shootings that he never would have gone to that rally had he not been goaded.
“They told us to ‘come out from under our rocks.' I don't hide under no rock for nobody,” said Griffin, imperial wizard of the Mount Holly-based Cleveland Knights of the KKK.
Wednesday, Virgil Lee Griffin Sr. of Mount Holly died at Gaston County Memorial, surrounded by family. He was 64.
The Klan brought him notoriety. The organization he been a part of since his 20s had seen its numbers dwindle, but Griffin and other Klan officials were in the midst of rebuilding, exploiting fears over illegal immigration to draw members, according to agencies that track hate groups.
“People are tired of this mess,” Griffin told the Observer in 2007. “The illegal immigrants are taking this country over.”
The message was the same in the 1960s and '70s; the target different. In 1965, Griffin and another man were convicted of posing as detectives investigating a racial incident at a school. In 1980, Griffin was charged in a cross burning in Lincoln County.
But it was the November 1979 Greensboro rally held by members of the Communist Workers Party where Griffin won his biggest headlines.
The shootings came months after growing tension.

KKK loser goes to jail!

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The alleged leader of a Ku Klux Klan group was indicted on a second-degree murder charge Wednesday in the shooting death of an Oklahoma woman who police said was killed during an initiation in south Louisiana.
A grand jury indicted Raymond Foster, 44, and three other suspected group members in the death of Cynthia Lynch, 43, of Tulsa, Okla. She was recruited to join the group over the Internet and was shot to death when a disagreement arose during an initiation in November, authorities have said.

Foster's 20-year-old son Shane and another suspect were indicted on an obstruction of justice charge by the grand jury meeting about 30 miles north of New Orleans in St. Tammany Parish. A fourth suspect was charged as an accessory after the fact.

Four others arrested in the case were not indicted.

nvestigators said they found weapons, Confederate flags and six Klan robes at the campsite where Lynch was killed.

All the suspects are from Washington Parish, where the Klan flourished in the 1960s. Now, however, the KKK is considered weak and loosely organized at the local and national levels.
Lynch's former attorney had described her as lonely and troubled and said she may have sought a sense of belonging with the group — referred to at times as the Sons of Dixie or the Dixie Brotherhood. Investigators said in November that statements from suspects suggested Lynch didn't get along with Raymond Foster and was shot after she asked to be taken away from the initiation site, a remote camp in northern St. Tammany Parish, near the Washington Parish line.
In November, Sheriff Jack Strain said an investigation began soon after the shooting when two members of the group went to a convenience store and asked a clerk how to remove blood from clothing. She notified the sheriff's office.

Foster would face mandatory life in prison if convicted on the second-degree murder charge. His attorney did not return a call for comment Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Justin Boyer threatens to sue Nazis

There is a lot of people wondering what next for Justin Boyer. Well, first I want to start at the beginning. Later on I am going to correct all the disloyal and dysfunctional people that have put my name through the dirt. There will be a decree of punishment, issued by a court or judge and all the slander, defamation, calumny, vilification of my name will stop soon. That means all that Matthew E. Ramsey slander will stop on the website called zogsnightmare and any other sites with a 60 IQ. But anyway, back to the main topic. I want to make this clear to everyone. I am no longer a National Socialist and will never ever take part in a genocidal movement again. I have seen so much lack of honor and the unjust of people. I cant believe I was so blinded by the thrill of hate.

It was very over powering at first, and very deceptive. It felt as if we were gods and no one could do anything to us. That’s too much power for all those people. I have seen a lot of things in my life and most of it was through my National Socialist view point. I want to say it was a waste of time believing we could take over the world and millions would follow us into battle. Now that I sit back and think about it I laugh because it was stupid. Like Jim Ram stupid. There is 6 billion people on this earth and we have had 30 to 100 people show for a rally once or twice a year. Ok, well its pretty pointless to add up the figures.

I thought we were making a difference for “our white people” and the only thing we were making is the world hate us, our family hate us, and everybody around us feel hate. It was nothing but the design of a deceptive false flag of the “white family” value system put on us by these groups. I know that my heart was untrue and filled with the hate and emotions of the suffering of others.

German Neo-Nazi attacks on the rise

Trade unionist Holger Kindler has been to at least 20 rallies to protest neo-Nazi gatherings in various German cities and towns. But he says he's never seen anything like what happened last Saturday.Kindler was among the 80 unionists and leftists who were having a break at a motorway rest stop in the eastern German state of Thuringia on Saturday when a busload of 41 far-right extremists pulled in. He and his colleagues had just joined some 10,000 people demonstrating a major neo-Nazi march in Dresden.'

'One of my colleagues who was in the car park called me on my cell phone and told me they had arrived and were aggressive,'' he said. ''I just went into shock. It was a Nazi crew that was very political, not just sub-cultural. They weren't satisfied with walking through Dresden.''Five anti-fascist demonstrators were left injured, including one with serious skull fractures. The neo-Nazis weren't bumbling skinheads, Kindler said. They were autonome Nationalisten or free nationalists – a radical, political segment of the far-right scene in Germany who are growing in number and, experts fear, poised to create a new wave of neo-Nazi violence.

The attack at the rest stop follows recent figures showing a 30 percent rise last year in far-right crime and the shocking knife assault on Alois Mannichl, police chief in the southern town of Passau. Though investigators have yet to find Mannichl’s assailant, they are looking for a man described as a tall skinhead.These disparate events, according to observers, are explained by upheavals in the far-right scene caused by the breakdown of old alliances and the emergence of new, aggressive splinter groups.

''It's a trend,'' said Matthias Adrian, a former skinhead who now helps extremists quit the scene. ''We've noticed more threats against those getting out and attacks on democratic activists by right-wing extremists. The atmosphere has changed and it is now more aggressive. This is the tip of the iceberg.''

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

KKK spray paint cars

Authorities say 'KKK' was discovered spray-painted on at least two vehicles on Evansville's North Side Sunday.

The two incidents happened overnight Saturday into Sunday while the vehicles were parked at residences less than a quarter mile apart near Diamond and First Avenues.
In the first case, police awakened victim Michael T. Bacon after an officer spotted his vandalized 2008 Subaru Outback outside his residence in the 1000 block of Fulton Parkway. According to an Evansville Police Department report, the vandals had spray-painted much of the vehicle and written 'KKK' on the right front passenger door.

Hours later, 54-year-old Janice Jackson reported finding her 2000 Cadillac Deville vandalized in front of her home in the 2700 block of North Second Avenue.
According to a separate police report, 'KKK' was spray painted on the passenger side.

"The victim stated this was most likely kids in the neighborhood and was not a hate crime against her," police wrote in the report.
Authorities say they have no suspects in the case.
- Gavin Lesnick

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

KKK loser was a Cop

Full article

FRUITLAND PARK, Fla. - A local sheriff's office said Ku Klux Klan recruitment fliers and photos ended up in his mailbox.

The sheriff said one of the men seen in it was a police officer.

The photo sparked an internal investigation by the Fruitland Park Police Department, and now one of its officers has resigned in the wake of the allegations.

The first complaint surfaced three weeks ago, when the Sumter County Sheriff's Office said someone was putting up KKK recruitment fliers around town.

Investigators said a post office box connected to the fliers came back to Fruitland Park police Officer James Elkins.

The chief then launched an internal investigation.

Two days ago, the Lake County sheriff received photos in the mail alleging that Elkins has been involved with the KKK.

Included in the envelope were photographs of a man alleged to be Elkins in a green KKK uniform.

Fruitland Park police Chief Mark Isom said that man is Elkins. There's even one picture showing the man wearing a police uniform under his white KKK robe.

Isom said it is one of the department's old blue uniforms. The chief said he guarantees none of the other men in the photos are his officers.

Elkins resigned Jan. 20. He was suspended three days earlier for conduct unbecoming of an officer.

Elkins hasn't worked on the force in 14 months. He has been on workman's comp because of an injury he sustained when he crashed his cruiser chasing a drug suspect.

Of the more than 1,000 citations Elkins wrote in 2005, more than 200 went to blacks or

Hispanics. There was a similar proportion in 2006.

The chief said he does not believe there was any racial profiling.
Attorney Cheney Mason said there's no clear-cut appeals process, but someone like the governor could issue a blanket pardon.

"It is maybe just a traffic ticket, but that traffic ticket may have cost some people their jobs," Mason said. "It may have cost some people a great deal of money because their insurance being dropped, or going up. It's some pretty serious consequences."

Vandal has Nazi ties: police find dope on him

Full article

A man suspected of spray painting swastikas and racist slogans on a Messianic Jewish house of worship was doing more than making idle threats, Mobile police said Tuesday.

Thomas Hayward Lewis, 22, who was first arrested Thursday, has affiliations with neo-Nazi groups, police said, and a search of his house turned up a cache of "explosive materials," which investigators believe he was ready to use.

Police charged Lewis with third-degree criminal mischief, criminal possession of explosives and possession of a controlled substance.

He lives with his parents on South Jefferson Street near downtown, police said.
Police Chief Phillip Garrett said investigators believe that Lewis also painted hate graffiti at Cooper Riverside Park, and they are looking for possible associates of Lewis.

There's no indication that his parents had any idea what their son was up to, Garrett said.
On the morning of Jan. 5, members of the Congregation Tree of Life found their west Mobile building defaced with spray-painted swastikas and racist slogans, such as "Hitler was right" and "Juden raus," which is German for "Jews get out."

The names Waffen SS and Combat 18, a neo-Nazi group, were also painted on the building, according to police photos.

The members were upset, said Barbara Morgan, the congregation's administrator, but many brushed it off as a cruel prank because of the sloppiness of the work and some mistakes in the writing.

Tree of Life members consider themselves to be Jewish, but believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
Laborers with the Mobile Public Works Department found racist graffiti in Cooper Riverside Park the same day as the Tree of Life vandalism, Garrett said, and investigators comparing photos from the two sites felt they were made by same person.

The park graffiti targeted other minorities, said the chief, who declined to say exactly what was written, because of its offensive nature.

Detectives, using leads from an informant, linked Lewis to the vandalism and searched his home, where they found what police believe to be explosive materials, Garrett said.
Pending analysis of the materials, Garrett declined to identify them.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

KKK harasses people in Pampa

Full article

PAMPA - Fliers found in Pampa yards Friday pointed to a Web site recruiting members for a white-supremacist group.

"If you are white, with non-Jewish ancestry and are 100 percent American please continue," reads a Web site touted on fliers some Pampa residents found in their yards Friday morning.

The Amarillo chapter of the United White Knights distributed the literature to recruit members.
"We're what you'd call a traditional Klan organization," said Clint Evans, a leader of the national group. "That means we don't accept skinheads and Nazis. We're trying to get back to the way it was in 1915, 1920 - a charitable fraternal order."

The Klansmen people see on television are not what the United White Knights see themselves as.

"They're the ones that live on compounds and have Nazi members," Evans said. "They really distort what we really are. We look at them as not being part of the Klan."

The Web site also tries to polish the group's image.
"We do not spread hate towards any race. It is not hate to love your white race," it says. "Join us in fighting for your white rights."

Ken Fields received two of the fliers at his Pampa home.

"I was rather surprised when I went out to get my paper," he said. "It was a cylinder (of paper) wrapped in a plastic bag with several stones in it to give it weight. My personal impression is, I could never be interested in an organization where you hide your face. That's for cowards."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ron Edwards of the IKA chickens out : steps down as Imperial "Loser" Wizard

Update: 11-22-08Greetings IKA Members and Supporters,This trial that I have been fighting for a long period of time has truly taken its toll on myself, and on Tuesday I will begin working on preparations for the upcoming appeal which I must fight. However, this time a lawyer will be representing me, and things are bound to be much different. This has been an unjust trial from the start against the IKA and myself, with the judge siding against us and favoring the SPLC at every opportunity. When this lawsuit first began, I spoke with many, many lawyers trying to get them to take this case.

They asked for $70,000 to $100,000, and we just didn't have it. There is a very good lawyer that will now take my case because he believes they violated my constitutional rights. He said that he would take the case for $10,000... That is GREAT! While this lawyer does not share our beliefs, he believes this is an abuse of the judicial system and seems determined to put up a serious fight in court. So, anyone who can send anything in, please do! In memo area, please write "Lawyer".

Thank you so much!Now, I am stepping down from Imperial Wizard at this time to focus my efforts on the upcoming trials. I need time off because I have not had any in many years. Brother Jim Walters will be taking over the IKA as Acting Imperial Wizard for one year until an election takes place in which all IKA Officers across the nation will be voting. He is a Patch Holder and believes in the IKA as much as I do.

Now, I will be around to help him with any and all of his questions. I have talked with members in Texas, Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia and many other states. They understand that I need to do this. I have two younger children that I also take care of for about three weeks out of each month. Now, I am absolutely NOT quitting the IKA in any way!!! I am a Patch Holder and life member and will be here to help with whatever I can.

After this case, I may still need additional time; we will see what happens from that point. I ask all to stay loyal to brother Jim and the IKA. It's not one man who has built this great organization, but all who have stayed true and worked for its future and our childrens' future. Starting Tuesday, I will be meeting with my attorney in Louisville, KY and the appeal process will begin. From that day, Jim will be the Acting Imperial Wizard, until the election.

There will be a notice to all who are to vote for an Imperial Wizard.I want all of you to stay strong and never give up! It is our right to hold the values and beliefs which we cherish - the SPLC be damned! Again, anyone who can help with donations for the appeal, please do. This is very important, not just for myself, but all Pro-European American groups and our people as a whole. I will be assisting Jim with e-mails and providing other instructions during this transition of responsibilities. If you have any questions, please give me a call. I will always be here for you!

Yours in Christ, Fight and our White NationRon Edwards, Advisor IKA 33/6

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Two pieces of white trash

Entire story here

Please click the above link. Man, what pieces of white trash the above losers are. People like these losers make me sad to even be white.

Justin Boyer quits WP movement: Former NSM and ANSWP member finally has common sense

Looks like Bill White has no friends now. I am happy to see Justin follow the footsteps of Michael Burks and leave the movement. More and more people are starting to wake up and see that racism never solves anything. I would like to see Justin run a blog against racism much like Burks does at Jewish and Christian Holy Alliance.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Walter Dice going to jail!

Sometimes you get luck in life. Well, this loser did not. I hope he loves jail as much as he did when it came to hating non-whites.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Child molesting Satanists pick up litter : Why is this news?

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A neo-Nazi group has joined the state's "Adopt-A-Highway" volunteer litter pickup program, taking advantage of a free speech court fight won four years ago by the Ku Klux Klan.
The Springfield unit of the National Socialist Movement has committed to cleaning up trash along a half-mile section of Highway 160 near the Springfield city limits.
Two signs noting the group's membership in the Adopt-A-Highway program went up in October but drew attention only recently when the group picked up litter as part of a gathering in Springfield.
The state says it had no way to reject the group's application. A 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling arising from a similar effort by the Ku Klux Klan says membership in the Adopt-A-Highway program can't be denied because of a group's political beliefs. At the time, the state could reject applications for the program from groups that denied membership based on race or had a history of violence.
"It's a First Amendment thing, and we can't discriminate as long as they pick up the trash," said Bob Edwards, a spokesman for the transportation department's office in Springfield.
The state can deny an organization's application only if it has members who have been convicted of violent criminal activity within the past 10 years.
The NSM Springfield unit decided to take part in the highway project because it wants to clean up the community, said Ariana Glass, a 16-year-old member of the youth division of the group.
"We wanted to prove that we're not out here just to have fun, we want to make the community look good," Glass said.
The group heard both honks of support and jeers when about 30 members and supporters picked up trash Saturday. Greene County sheriff's deputies ticketed one man who group members said became threatening but there were no other incidents, Glass said.

Members of the highway cleanup program are required to clean up trash at least four times a year. Edwards said about 600 groups pick up trash in the 12 counties surrounding Springfield.
Edwards said his department had received only one phone call asking why the National Socialist group was allowed to adopt the highway. Louise Whall, spokeswoman for the city of Springfield, was not aware of the group's action until contacted by the AP, but said the city had no jurisdiction because it's a state program.

Most other states have programs similar to Missouri's. Ten states — Alabama, Arkansas, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas and Vermont — had joined in filing a brief backing Missouri's side in the court fight.
Associated Press Writer Chris Blank in Jefferson City contributed to this report.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Neo-Nazis attack young Romani man in Prague

In the early morning hours of Sunday, several neo-Nazis attacked a young Romani man in Prague. The attack took place in the vestibule of the Palmovka metro station, the news server reports.

The Romani man, whose face was injured, was transferred to the orthopedic unit of the Na Bulovce Faculty Hospital. "I was waiting at the tram stop when I heard someone call for help," one eyewitness said to She said that subsequently a young Romani man ran out of the metro exit completely covered in blood.

"I did not have a mobile phone with me, so I asked the people standing nearby to call an ambulance," the woman said. The injured man said he had been attacked by a group of skinheads in the metro. Shortly after the incident, police officers began searching for the extremist group, reports

Hate crimes on the rise in Moscow

MOSCOW: The Russian capital registered a 300 per cent surge in racial hate crimes in 2008, which claimed the lives of 47 non-whites, a senior police
official said here.

"In 2008, 47 non-whites were killed and 46 were physically assaulted, which represents 300 per cent rise in crimes against non-whites as compared to 2007," Moscow Police Chief, General Vladimir Pronin was quoted by Interfax news agency.

According to Moscow-based 'Sova' an NGO monitoring hate crimes in the country, Russia could be swept by a new wave of xenophobia due to financial crisis.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Sworn in : Sorry white power losers, us normal people win!

Barack Hussein Obama became the 44th president of the United States Tuesday, and called on Americans to join him in confronting what he described as an economic crisis caused by greed but also “our collective failure to make hard choices.”

“Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real,” Mr. Obama said in his inaugural address minutes after he took the oath of office on the same bible used by Abraham Lincoln at his first inaugural in 1861. “They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America — they will be met.”

Mr. Obama, the first African American to serve as president, spoke to a sea of cheering people, hundreds of thousands of Americans packed on the National Mall from the Capitol to beyond the Washington monument. The multitude was filled with black Americans and Mr. Obama’s triumph was a special and emotional moment for them.

Kevin Strom : Evil Man who jerks it to kiddie porn; hardcore nazi

Full bio here

Kevin Alfred Strom (born 1956 in Anchorage, Alaska) is the former Managing Director of National Vanguard, a Charlottesville-based organization that has been described as racist, white separatist, homophobic, and a Neo-Nazi hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League.[1][2] Strom resigned from National Vanguard in July 2006.[3] National Vanguard reportedly disbanded on March 14, 2007, and its website has been dormant since that time. In 2008 Strom pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography and was sentenced to 23 months in prison.[4]

Kevin Alfred Strom was born in Anchorage, Alaska in 1956. It has been stated that Strom scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT college-entrance exam, though the date in which he attained that feat is dubious; he has never attended a university and also has no college degree.[5] Strom claims to have attended George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia without taking a degree.[6]

Strom's marriage to his first wife, Kirsten Helene Kaiser, produced three children.[5] Since their marriage ended, Kaiser has spoken out about her life with Strom in several interviews.[5][7] She has also written a book on her experiences with Strom and the National Alliance entitled The Bondage of Self (ISBN 0-9720705-5-9). Kaiser claimed that Strom was an extremely controlling husband who forced her to abstain from meat, forbade her to wear blue jeans, and predetermined her favorite music, Mozart.[7] She has since disavowed the racist beliefs she held while in her two marriages with second husband Joseph McLaughlin and third with Strom.[7] She has summarized their years together: "Hundreds of women like me have gotten hooked up with some man from a racist group who controls their lives. I want them to know that if I can escape and regain my soul; they can, too."[5]

Meet one of NSM's finest : John Snyder, Rapist

by Rev. Johnny Lee Clary
( Turn Up Your Speakers To Hear Audio)
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it!
Click here to View Cliff Herrington and his sidekick Jill, Nazi Rally Speech! Very chilling!

Recently, with the demise of the Aryan Nations, National Alliance, and World Church Of The Creator, the National Socialist Movement has come to the forefront and is getting publicity all over the USA because of their staged marches and publicity stunts aimed at getting themselves in the news in order to make themselves look like they are important. How important are they? Well, let us take a look at the facts on the NSM, starting with the leader, Clifford D. Herrington. The website of the NSM lists Herrington as the Chairman of the NSM.
Clifford D. Herrington, official Chairman of the NSM

Click Photo to enlarge
Herrington, born in 1947 was a follower of Joe Tomassi, the leader of the National Socialist Liberation Front, who was shot to death on the front steps of the Nazi party headquarters by a rival Nazi in 1975. Herrington and a fellow Nazi named Robert Brannen of Lebanon, Ohio co-founded the National Socialist Movement with Brannen as the official party Chairman, and Herrington as the Commander.
On May 1st, 1980, Herrington and Brannen organized a "United Patriotic Front" march on Cincinnati Square, in Cincinnati, Ohio in which they advertised a huge Nazi-Klan rally, but the Klan didn't show and Brannen, Herrington and 14 Nazis all marched out onto the square under police protection with about three thousand demonstrators trying to bust through the barricades to get their hands on the Nazis. The NSM members were drunken biker type thugs with long hair and their women who looked like refuges from a trailer park, were standing by in the audience dressed as civilians taking pictures of the protesters, which is a tactic of the NSM. The police escorted the NSM out of town as demonstrators threw rocks and bricks through the windows of the vehicles the Nazi's were riding in.Back at Brannen's house drinking ensued and Brannen's wife came out and held a gun to her head threatening suicide because of Brannen's involvement in the Nazi party.
Brannen's own son, who had participated in the march wearing full SS NSM uniform, rebelled against his father telling him he wanted out of the movement. Herrington and Brannen sat and got drunk and Herrington screamed and cried like a baby saying "No one understands National Socialists!" Herrington is a paranoid schizophrenic with a severe body odor problem. He cries and flies off in a rage at any given moment, and then can be back to calm again.
NSM Chairman Cliff Herrington, 2nd from right
Herrington was known to get drunk and make lewd, crude and socially unacceptable sexual comments to women telling them how he would like to put them on dog leashes and make them do sexual acts, which disgusted more then one woman. At the Rhinestone Cowboy Club, in Oklahoma City, back in 1981, Herrington stalked a waitress named Janie who had gone out with him twice, until he told her he was a Nazi, and flew into a rage calling her a whore and a slut shaking his fist at her when she told him she didn't want to go out with him again. He then proceeded that same night to tell two other women that if they would leave the bar with him, he would take them home where 'We shall sing, we shall dance, we shall f**k!" On another visit to
Oklahoma City, Clifford told Miss Kathy Hamilton and Alice Clary of Moore, Oklahoma that he would like to tie them up and make them do sexual acts and bark like a dog. Herrington would often put on a German accent and pretend he had a Jewish person under a spotlight and mock threatening them with, "We have ways of making you talk!"
Herrington took over in 1983 as the NSM Party Chairman, due to Brannen suffering a series of strokes. Herrington has always been a behind the scenes type of guy keeping out of the spotlight for the most part in order to protect his job, but once in awhile Herrington can't resist the temptation to play "Fuehrer" at the rallies and meetings so he shows up giving speeches, screaming and hollering like Hitler. He does envision himself as another Hitler and has grown a Hitler mustache at times and has dressed up like Hitler, going out in public to do every day things like grocery shopping.
Herrington giving the "Heil Hitler" salute.
He has sat in front of his TV set cussing, ranting, and raving while shaking his fist at the TV watching "Hogan's Heroes" which was a sitcom starring Bob Crane and Robert Clary, about prisoners of war outsmarting the German camp commandant. Herrington has two daughters by his first wife who divorced him due to his Nazi activities. In 1988 Herrington married again, to a Nazi woman who he met through an Aryan dating service, who goes by the name of Andrea
Dietrich, and also an alias "Maxine Dietrich," and she became his mail order bride. Andrea has a darker complexion than most white women in the Nazi movement who claim Aryan ancestry, with darker than normal skin, black hair and piercing dark eyes. She has allegedly told others that she is part Native American. Whatever she is, she most certainly does not fit the Aryan criteria of being a full-blooded White woman. She showed up in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the airport dressed in a Nazi uniform, with her little boy who is half non-white, who she also dressed in a
Nazi uniform, disembarked from the airplane and "Sieg Heiled" her new "Fuehrer." They were married in Tulsa, renting out a banquet room at a hotel decorating it with Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler all over the walls, to the horror of the hotel clerks who didn't realize they had rented the room to the Nazi party.

Click to enlarge to see Herrington's youth corps
Herrington had a small group of teenagers who followed him and he had them dress up in Nazi uniforms as they picketed the Jewish Community Center and Herrington stood to the side with a riding crop in hand commanding, "March-two-three!" as the kids walked in a circle. Then Herrington made comments to Jewish women that he wished this was the good old days in Germany so he and his followers could come in and rape them.
One of Herrington's favorite tactics has always been to leaflet in the middle of the night by making a wallpaper paste and cutting a hole in the side of an empty plastic anti-freeze jug, filling it with the paste and a paint brush and carrying it to give the appearance that he is "out of gas" and have another comrade with him with Nazi party leaflets rolled up inside his jacket as they walk down the street while Herrington slaps the paste on the walls of businesses and street lampposts while the other guy slaps the poster or leaflet over it. The wallpaper paste makes it hard to get the leaflet off when it dries and it must be scraped off and cannot be just taken down. Herrington was once caught by the police leafleting without a permit, but they let him go when he acted retarded sticking his teeth out and acting like a twit.
In the 1980's Herrington was working on an idea to have someone fly to Libya via another route through another country to meet with Col. Mu'ammar Gadhafi to receive money to help fight the Jews in America and to fund the Nazi party, claiming "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Herrington was also suggesting bank robbery as a means to fund the movement. Herrington has preached for years that the economy needs to collapse in order for the masses to listen to the Nazi's and have a total chaotic race war in which Jews, white people who disagree with the Nazi movement and all other races will be exterminated as Herrington becomes the new Fuehrer.
Herrington worked for Phillips 66 Oil Company in Bartlesville, Oklahoma for several years. Not long after his marriage to his mail order Nazi bride, Herrington moved up north to Minnesota. It is not known whether he transferred and is still employed for Phillips 66 or not, but might be worth checking out. In the mid nineties, according to another White Supremacist leader, Dennis Mahon, Herrington and his bride were passing through Tulsa and asked if Mahon could put them up for a few days, explaining they were on the run from the law as Clifford had had an affair with an underage teenage girl and the law was looking to prosecute. Whether this was actually true or not, is not known, but given Herrington's past record of making explicit comments and sexual innuendos toward younger girls, this would not be surprising if it were found to be true.
Herrington advertised a "Veterans Meeting" in Jay, Oklahoma, back in 1987, putting up posters all over the Northeast Oklahoma area. Herrington held the meeting at the Community Center and several Vets showed up but jumped up and walked out when Herrington stood in front of them and screamed out, "I am a Nazi!" When all the Vets walked out, Cliff sat down and cried again. This will be available on DVD or a video of this will appear on this website in the near future.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cowan, Mackintosh attacked by skinheads

Full story/text here

Southland All Blacks Jimmy Cowan and Jamie Mackintosh have been praised by their bosses following an incident where they were reportedly set upon by a group of skinheads in the Coromandel.The New Zealand Herald reported that Cowan, Mackintosh and All Black first five-eighth Stephen Donald were attacked by a group described as skinheads in the early hours of December 29 after a Blacks Seeds concert at the Coroglen Tavern.
Mercury Bay taxi driver Sean Campbell witnessed the attack by "six or seven" men over three to four minutes.

He later drove the All Black trio to Matarangi, where they were staying, after Cowan asked him for assistance.At one point the 130kg Mackintosh reportedly covered Donald, who was left with facial injuries, with his body to protect him.
Neither Cowan nor Mackintosh were willing to comment yesterday, Cowan saying via text that the incident had been "blown out of context".

Their agent, Tom Downey, spoke with the players yesterday.
Unfortunately, dealing with these sorts of incidents was a fact of life for high-profile people, Mr Downey said."It's probably a good example of the potential for high-profile people to be the target of a certain group of people. It's something all high-profile sports people need to be aware of," Downey said.

Christians are not welcomed but fake Christians such as the KKK are?

Yes, the below story is true.

Full story/text here

A California ministry is awaiting a verdict in a discrimination lawsuit filed in Contra Costa County.

Faith Center Church Evangelistic Ministries was using a local public library room for a meeting -- which included a Bible message and prayer -- until library officials threw them out. Alliance Defense Fund attorney Tim Chandler is handling the case.

"The library meeting is available to any organization to use for any purpose with the exception of, according to the library, religious services," the attorney notes. "And so they have excluded the church from being able to access their meeting room." Chandler believes library officials have gone to an extreme. "They even admitted that they would welcome the KKK, but churches are not [welcomed]," he points out. "I think that's a sad day for America when we start seeing that in our public facilities."

According to Chandler, federal courts have ruled that if one voice is permitted, a religious one cannot be prohibited. "We are going to continue to push that issue here at the Alliance Defense Fund to ensure that Christians are afforded equal access to public facilities, as the Constitution requires," he concludes.

Long Island being looked into for ignoring hate crimes

Typical for the media and people to ignore truth. It seems the police and others are sitting around doing nothing in Long Island.

Full story/text

HAUPPAUGE, N.Y., Jan. 13 (UPI) -- Federal investigators say they are looking at charges that police in Long Island's Suffolk County mishandled or ignored reports of hate crimes against Latinos.

Newsday said Tuesday that the U.S. Department of Justice has started an inquiry into the cases that stretch back to 2000 and were documented by Latino activists.
The Suffolk County Police Department said it welcomed the investigation and stated that crimes against Latino immigrants were no more prevalent in their community than they were in New York City.

"We welcome the DOJ looking into these incidents, many of which had not been reported until recently," said police spokesman Tim Motz.

Latino Justice called for the federal probe after an Ecuadorian immigrant was killed in an apparent hate crime in November. The organization contended that similar attacks have been under-reported for years.

White Trash Skinheads GET PROBATION

They should have locked them up and threw away the key. Andrew Boyle and Vincent Defelice both got probation for being well, white trash. Skinheads are know for being low-life anti-social losers. Since most are jobless, they blame non-whites and Jews for "keeping them down".

For more info on Skinhead culture, read this.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bigot fired for anti-Jewish comments - White Power losers defend his actions

War sucks. I hate seeing the Jews and Arabs fight over stupid land. However, racism is racism. I feel no sorrow for this man. You make stupid comments you deserve to pay the price.

Full story/text here

A Long Island man apologized Saturday for terrifying 700 guests at a Jewish couple's wedding by playing a belligerent-sounding Arabic chant through the deejay's sound system.
Stephen Buttafuoco, 23, delivered his mea culpa a few hours after he pleaded innocent to a hate crime charge and his parents posted $1,500 bail.

"The actions that I took were not very well thought through, but they were definitely not intended to be malicious in any way, shape or form," the clean-cut Queens College student said.
"I feel horrible."

The West Babylon man was working as a waiter at the Jan. 4 reception for David Zar and Amanda Aziz when he stunned revelers by blaring the two-word shouted message throughout the Woodbury Jewish Center, Nassau County police said.
Buttafuoco had used his cell phone to record an angry crowd shouting "Allahu akbar" - God is great - at a pro-Palestinian rally in Manhattan one day earlier.

Police described the recording as "an offensive Palestinian chant," and hit Buttafuoco with a felony rap of aggravated harassment as a hate crime.
The suspect, sitting in a shirt and tie alongside his father, said he hoped to make a face-to-face apology to the newlyweds.

"I would definitely like to speak to them in person, if possible," the young man said.
The groom, Zar, told the Daily News Saturday night he didn't press charges and he was actually startled to learn his wedding was at the center of such a controversy. "It was a surprise to us."
Zar said he didn't know who pressed charges against Buttafuoco.
"I'm not sure what happened," he said. "I'm still on a wedding high. This is the last thing I want to be thinking about."

The lawyer representing Buttafuoco - no relation to the infamous Long Island Lothario, Joey Buttafuoco - said his client is not an anti-Semite.
"Both the young man and his family are so sorry these events unfolded," said defense attorney Thomas Spreer. "And they wish to do whatever they can to apologize."

The suspect's father, Dan Buttafuoco, is a former Marine, the pastor of a Long Island Protestant church for the past 20 years and a staunch supporter of Israel.
Though he has argued with his pro-Palestinian son over the recent violence in the Gaza Strip, he said the waiter was just fooling around and was unaware the chant was audible to frightened wedding guests.

"He's been mistaken for being a ... how can I say the word, terrorist or something," Dan Buttafuoco said after his son's arraignment. "I guess everybody just went a little overboard with the reaction to this."

The suspect played the recorded shouts at about 1:30 a.m., as the wedding was winding down. Although police said he played it through the deejay's booth, Buttafuoco insisted he played it in a back room filled with audio equipment - and never knew it was audible to the wedding guests.
He wasn't arrested until Friday, when police said he surrendered without any resistance.
Buttafuoco, a waiter with Morrell Caterers for the past two years, was fired after the incident. He worked almost exclusively at Jewish events without any problems before his arrest, Spreer said.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Satan Worshipping NSM bugging people in Moyock, North Carolina

It seems the Satan worshippers of NSM are at it again. White Reference reports that the losers of NSM are throwing litter in the yards of people who could care less about their message.

NSM for those who don't know, is the America's biggest freak white power group. Below are some of the many facts about NSM -

1 - Members ran a Satan Cult

2 - John Synder was a rapist

3 - April Paterson, slut

And we could go on and on but I do think you get the point.